Bill's sermon on Sunday was about God's A-Team. Of course, being a child who grew up in the 80's, I immediately thought of Mr. T and Murdock! That wasn't the A-Team he was talking about, he was referring sports. That's okay because I can relate to that too:) I played plenty of sports and know that the A-Team was the only place to be. He talked about how there were 3 things that God expected of His A-Team:
1. be aware of the needs around you
2. be available to God
3. anticipate great results
While I agree with all of these points, I feel like once you are a child of God you are automatically on the A-Team. The real question is are you playing? As a basketball player, I relate everything to what happens on the court. In order to be an active player, coaches expect certain things from you. They expect that you practice, study the plays, and most of all give 100% at all times. We have to think of our relationship with God in the same way. It isn't something that you just do occasionally and become good at. You too must practice what God tells you to do, study His word, and give 100% at all times to building a relationship with Him. He not only expects it, He desires it. So then why do we choose to "sit the bench" at times? When we are not active in our walk we are sitting the bench and therefore we are not doing anything for the Kingdom.
I know that life happens and gets in the way! It seems like Satan is always there putting an obstacle in our paths to keep us from practice, studying, and giving our all. But it is ultimately our choice as to how we react to that. Do we give in to the world around us, trying to pull us away from God, or do we fight to play in His game?
As I reflect on my own walk, I challenge you to join me and ask yourself, Are you playing or sitting the bench?
Dad's been under a lot of pressure at work...
9 years ago