Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Beginning Feb. 14th, Valentines Day, Journey will be starting the Love Dare. This is a series that goes along with the moive, Fireproof, which is about a couple struggling with their marriage and their faith. Love Dare is a study about what love is and what it isn't.
The Bible says,

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:7-8

The Love Dare is geared towards all couples because it focuses on taking marriages to the next level. In order to be the best spouse possible, we have to understand God's unfailing love. God loved us first, He loves us more, and He will do anything for us. We have to treat the ones we love in the same manner.

The study will take place over a course of 9 weeks, beginning on the 14th. It will be held in the Journey classroom, and be lead by the Eddlemon's.

Please plan on joining us as this is a wonderful study that you will be glad you were a part of!

Journey Makeover

After a much needed brainstorm last week, it was decided that we should do some updating to our room. So on Saturday, Wes, Eric, Jeremy, Amy, Corey, and I met at the church to do some rearranging and painting! We painted the front wall a mossy green, which is FABULOUS and makes the room look SO much bigger! We converted an entertainment center into a kitchen, and made the old kitchen a storage room for School Box Ministries. It was a lot of work and a very long day, and even though we have lots more to do, I think everyone enjoyed the new digs Sunday morning.

This wall brought to you by Leigh Ann and Amy!

Now we can actually sit and eat our breakfast at a table, while we have Bible study! What a concept! We also have pens and post-its to take notes:)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas Breakfast

Live, Laugh, Love, and of course...EAT!

We didn't JUST eat! We did collect toys for local families that needed help during the holidays:)