Monday, November 5, 2012

Elephants and Donkeys

So tomorrow is the big day...Election day!  If you are anything like me I'm so glad it is here, but will celebrate more when it is gone!  Don't get me wrong, I have loved every minute of teaching my 2nd grade history classes about voting and the election process and I fully believe that our new Hershey President in the AM class and Skittles President in the PM class will be great leaders!  Ha...if only we were choosing our favorite candy!
Watch the video below and see if you can relate to this 4 year old child...
I think many of us have almost been brought to tears having to listen to debates, jaded media opinions, and seeing red and blue electoral college maps in our sleep!  And I know that all of this has created much tension.  I hear someone on a daily basis say how worried they are about the outcome of the election.  But there is a saying that worrying is like a rocking chair, it keeps you busy but gets you nowhere!  GET OUT OF THE ROCKING CHAIR!  It is doing you no good to worry about this!  Is it going to be disheartening if my chosen candidate isn't elected? Yes. However, I know that there is a greater power than me who already has this all worked out!  That greater power, God, will raise up the leader He has planned for this country right now.  We may not understand or agree, but
we have to trust and believe in whatever plan He gives us.  Proverbs 3:5 says, "Have confidence in the Lord with all thy heart, and lean not upon thy own prudence" other words, let God handle it, He knows better than any of us!
As for the red and the blue...the elephants and the donkeys...Romney and reassured with this,  "Neither be ye called masters: for one is your master, Christ (Matthew 23:10)".  Child of God, you know who your Creator is and you know who is in control.  No earthly leader will ever be your master, for you only have one.. and no one can over throw Him or defeat Him. 
Maybe you have already voted or maybe you will be standing alongside me in an atrocious line tomorrow, whatever the case may be, if you vote then you have done your part.  As for who will be in control...we already know the answer to that! 

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