Wednesday, October 24, 2012

IS this the stuff?

Monday was one of those days that there isn't time to come up for air!  It started with a meeting before school and ended with another meeting after school.  It is always at those meetings that I feel like I am doing everything wrong!  Not because of any particular thing that is said, but because it is time for me to process what is being said and really think about what I am doing.  As a 1st grade reading teacher, I take my job VERY seriously.  I am a believer that 1st grade can make or break your whole elementary experience so I put a lot of pressure on myself to be the best.  However, as I reflect in those meetings, I start to stress about not taking things deep enough or doing enough.  I start to panic that I am accomplishing a lot of the skills, but can they really apply them?  Are they getting what they need to be successful 2nd graders?  Or is next years teacher going to wonder what I did all year long? It makes me think I am getting bogged down with the "stuff" and not spending enough time going deeper on the things that really matter.
So I wonder if we do the same with our witness?  How much time do we spend doing "stuff" with those who are lost, but not focusing on what really matters, like their eternity???  Don't think I am pointing any fingers...I am talking to myself just as much as anyone!  But let's consider how much time we spend on Facebook, or texting with friends...if you are like me, too much!  Having this digital communication at my finger tips has gotten ridiculous!  I am the first to admit that every free minute I have, I am checking Facebook and my email and texts.  So I am having conversations with lots of people every day, but what is being said in those conversations?  I challenge us all to consider how much time we spend telling others how much they need a Savior?  How much they need to have a personal relationship with Jesus?  How much more they could get out of life if they knew the Heavenly Father?  Hmmmm.
Our church has purchased some property and is in the process of beginning a building campaign.  The drafts of the new building have been published and the plans are amazing!  Sunday we had the chance to go out and participate in a Prayer Walk.  The lines of the building were drawn out and a cross marked where each department of the church would be.  We walked though each area and prayed specifically for those ministries that were represented.  It was very cool, but the last part was the best.  As we got to the place where the alter will be, we all chose a river rock.  We wrote our names on it and then on the back we wrote the initials of people we know who need a relationship with Jesus or need a church home.  This was an opportunity to work on the things that really matter!  However, it was just a start.  As I stood there and prayed for these friends that I know are in need, it made me nervous that I was the one responsible for them!  Just like I am responsible for all of those 1st graders learning to read, I am responsible for making sure I have done all that I can to share the love of Christ with these that are lost.  Do I take that as serious as I do the reading?  If I am honest, probably not.  Maybe it is because it is uncomfortable.  Maybe because it is hard to discern who is ready for the information.  Maybe because no one is here waiting to complain that I am not doing a good enough job.  We all have different reasons for why we don't witness like we should, but if we think it is uncomfortable now, just wait until we are standing before the Lord on judgement day...will He ask us why we didn't do a good enough job?  Why we didn't take things deeper?  Why we spent our time talking about "stuff" instead of focusing on what really mattered?
So, what do we do?  Well, I know what I have to do. Just like I do with my first graders, I have to get to know these people deeply.  I have to build relationships with them so that I know the level they are on spiritually, just like I have to know reading levels of my students.  In addition, I have to make sure I am prepared and I know the material.  I can't walk into a class and teach something I haven't I have to spend time in God's word making sure I am knowledgeable. Last I have to pray for wisdom, especially on the days that I am running on fumes!  I can't depend on my own knowledge and words, but I need the Holy Spirit to deliver the right words at the right time. 
So as you go through the last half of the week and you have conversations with people, pray for the opportunity to turn "stuff" into something that really matters:)

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