Monday, October 8, 2012

Stranger Things Have Happened

So, most of you know that Corey and Makinley bought a truck a few weeks ago.  It is a project truck that they are planning on redoing so that it can one day be Makinley's.  The two of them searched for weeks and weeks to find the perfect truck.  They had so many leads that fell through that I was sure they were going to give up.   However, one night they stumbled upon this Chevy that was listed for WAY less than a running truck should have been.  Of course we were all skeptical at first, but Corey texted back and forth with the owner and determined he was legit.  Turns out the guy was in the middle of a bad break up and was ready to move to the coast to be with family.  He was selling the truck for just enough to get him home.  After a few mishaps, Corey finally met up with the guy to purchase the truck.  Corey told him the plan of fixing up the truck for Makinley and he was very interested, as it had been his plan to fix it up as well.  The next day the seller contacted Corey to tell him he has some other parts he wanted to give him and he wanted to know if Makinley had liked the truck.  Corey emailed him back and gave him Makinley's Everlasting Love Heart website so he could see her and told him about her necklace.  After visiting the website the seller sent another email about how he was in complete awe of Makinley's testimony and her necklace.  He shared a little about how his son went to a local church as a kid and would come home and tell him stories of Jesus.  And that was it...or so we thought.  We had no reason to think we would ever have contact with this man again. However last Friday Corey got another email from him asking about ordering a necklace for his mother.  Here is how it concluded...
I would also like to take a few minutes to thank you. It may not seem like much from your end. After the couple of conversations we've had about life, church, and family. I walked away with a very positive feeling. One that has stayed with me since. I did move to Galveston in hopes of making a positive change for myself and children. I wanted to share with you that I found a job and was hired on the spot the first day I was down there. It's a great job with good pay and all seems the being falling into place in that aspect. So once again thank you for your time and positive attitude given to me. 
Now, this process started out with one find a truck.  God obviously had bigger plans.  He brought this stranger into Corey and Makinley's lives that needed something other than money.  He needed to be reminded of what his child had tried to teach him so long ago, the love that Jesus has for him.  He calls it a "positive feeling" but I believe 100% that God is working in his life.  He is stirring things and making him think. 
There is no way that Corey could have seen this coming or could have sought it out.  It just happened.  The important thing is how he reacted to this stranger.  He talked to him, was understanding and sympathetic, and then planted a seed by sending him to Makinley's website.  God did the rest, and we just happened to get lucky enough to get a little feedback on how things are developing.  So many times we plant seeds and we don't ever know if they grow.  Regardless, we have to plant them!
So the question this week is, when God sends a stranger to you, how do you react?  Or maybe it's not even a stranger, just a lost friend or family member.  Are you planting those seeds every chance you get?  The Bible tells us he has made us "fishers of men" and look what it says in 1Pet.3:,Be ready always to give an answer to every man.  That includes those you know, and those you don't. 
As you pray this week, ask God to make you aware of those around you who are in need of that seed.  And then prepare yourself for the great things God will do through you!

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